World Oceans Day

June 8, 2015

World Oceans Day is June 8. Around the globe, people are celebrating our oceans and learning more about ways they can contribute to their health. What better day to share this great video of orchestral musicians simulating whale song? And the humpback whales respond. Fascinating.


To learn more about World Oceans Day, visit To get close up and personal, visit UC Davis’ Bodega Marine Lab.

Google didn’t miss the chance to promote its underwater “Street View.” It now has approximately 100 images visitors may browse with the same tools offered on any Street View map. Many of them include images of fish, turtles, shipwrecks, etc.

There are many ways all of us can help. Especially here, so close to the ocean. Visit the California Coastal Commission for more information. In addition to many ocean cleanup opportunities, participating in creek cleanups directly contributes to the health of our ocean. The City of Santa Rosa hosts Creek Week Sept. 20-28.

With this warm weather, it’s a great day to head to the beach. Bring a bag for trash, if you do.
