Solarize Sebastopol kicks off June 10

June 9, 2015

danna-hoshino-final-photos-2-4With the 30% tax credit deadline looming (Dec 31, 2016), it’s more important than ever to share the benefits of solar with friends and neighbors. Solar Works has partnered with Solarize Sebastopol, a newly-created, community-based project designed to inform local homeowners and connect them with pre-qualified, local installers who are ready to make their clean energy dreams come true.

The program’s three workshops will offer homeowners who live, work, or play in Sebastopol, information about current technology, financing options and benefits of residential solar electric systems. The first workshop is Wednesday, June 10, 2015, 7 p.m., at the Sebastopol Grange on Hwy 12. Find out more at

A portion of the installation cost ($.20/watt) benefits the activities of Solar Schoolhouse, a K-12 energy education program developed by the Rahus Institute. The project runs through Sept. 25, 2015.
