Today is World Environment Day!

June 5, 2015

Today, June 5, 2015, around the globe, people are assessing their roles in the stewardship of our planet. We couldn’t let it pass without sharing this beautiful, inspiring video.

At Solar Works, we’re committed to sustainability and the informed care of our environment. We invite you to take the time to peruse our recently revitalized site for inspiration. Of special note are these new features:

Making a Difference – These sections, found at the bottom of every page, highlight a local individual or organization who is doing something positive for our community or the environment. We’re also sharing examples on our Facebook page and @SolarWorksCA on Twitter (#makingadifference). Feel free to send some our way.

Actions for Positive Impact – These small, easy ways to contribute to a healthy environment, community and home are sprinkled throughout the site and listed here.

Community News and Events – We list local events that are centered on contributing to a healthy community and planet. The news items will focus on clean energy, conservation and sustainability. Find out what’s going on this month.
