Solar Case Study Myers Residence & Workshop

Residential Solar Design and Installation

Solar Case Study — Myers Residence & Workshop

“I’m super happy with our solar installation and I’ve already recommended Solar Works
to several of my clients. Everyone did a great job – very professional, competent,
responsible, courteous and helpful in explaining and answering question.”
— Michael Myers, Maganda Natural Builder Owner

A Grid-tied Solar Installation

  • SolarEdge 10,000 watt inverter
    and 28 SolarEdge optimizers
  • 28 LG-335-watt modules
  • 9.38 kW DC rating

Michael Myers, owner of Maganda Construction, commissioned Solar Works to install a 9.38kW
grid-tied solar electric system at his home workshop in Sebastopol. Before going solar, Michael’s
electricity bills averaged about $3,800 per year. The solar installation will save the Myers family about
$3,600 in the first year, with a projected positive cash flow of $141,781 over 30 years.

The Installation

Solar Works mounted the array on the corrugated metal roof of Michael’s woodshop, using S-5!
clamps to secure and waterproof the array. The conductors go underground to a SolarEdge inverter
mounted in the pump house. A SolarEdge optimizer system provides the ability to see the output of
each individual inverter, and also maximizes production.

The Outcome

This installation is projected to pay for itself in 6 years, and will produce clean electricity for at least
30 years, and likely longer. In addition to providing an excellent, long-term return on investment
to the Myers family, the system will keep 92 tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere – yielding
guaranteed financial and environmental benefits for decades to come.


For more information, call or email Solar Works
(707) 829-8282


See other residential solar installations by Solar Works >



Organizations * Sonoma Green Business Program is a free service established by the Sonoma County Economic Development Board to recognize small- to medium-sized businesses (including Solar Works!) for their efforts to protect, preserve and sustain our environment.