Big victory for net metering in California!

May 24, 2012

We won! Thanks to the 60,000 of you who showed support for net metering, California will continue to increase its use of sun power.

Today, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) unanimously voted to give more Californians access to net metering credit for solar power. The 5-0 vote will protect this important solar consumer right for tens of thousands of California homes, schools, businesses and public buildings.

Net metering makes sure solar customers get fair credit on their utility bills for the valuable clean power they put on the grid for others to use. This important solar policy has already delivered tremendous benefits to California: supported 25,000 solar jobs, driven $10 billion in private investment in the state’s clean energy industry, given thousands of homeowners, schools, water districts, industrial users, and cities control over their electricity bills, and installed 2 natural gas plants worth of valuable peak solar power generation that our utilities won’t have to build and you won’t have to fund.
