Daily Acts Sonoma County

Better Together – Our Partners Make us Stronger!

January 30, 2018

Join Solar Works, Daily Acts and the Sonoma County Energy Independence Program February 13 in Cotati for an interactive solar workshop – and learn how we can work together for a more resilient Sonoma County.

Solar Works has been a thriving Sonoma County business since 1986, with local owners and long-time staff. We love being part of a vibrant network of community-based colleagues working to improve the health and resilience of our North Bay region. Our next workshop is an opportunity to meet and learn from two Solar Works partners: Daily Acts and the Sonoma County Energy Independence Program, from our county’s Energy and Sustainability Division.


Please join us for a free, interactive workshop co-hosted by Daily Acts and Solar Works:
Going Solar is Affordable and Easy

Tuesday, February 13, 2018
6:30 – 8:00 pm

Cotati Room, Ray Miller Community Center
201 W. Sierra Ave, Cotati, CA, 94931

Click HERE to Sign Up for the Workshop Today

Daily Acts has been mobilizing action in Sonoma County since 2002. In that time, Daily Acts has transformed 5,394,000 square feet of lawn into productive and sustainable landscapes, saving 6,827,650 gallons of water, installed 54 Laundry-to-Landscape graywater systems, and trained 560 people in practical water-saving skills. Visit their website to see the growing impact of Daily Acts by watching the numbers spin on their tracking system.

Another valuable Daily Acts program is the Community Resilience Challenge every Spring. The goal is to inspire and encourage us to make positive changes – and recognize the power in — our daily actions. Nearly 3,500 neighbors have registered an action, no matter how small or large, such as: drinking from re-usable containers to participating in lawn transformations and installing habitat gardens at community sites. This year’s Challenge focuses on a month of mobilization, as individuals and businesses share stories and photos of actions taken. Click HERE to learn more and make your pledge to action.

Daily Acts’ five-year plan to Ripple the World!

Daily Acts Sonoma County

At the February 13th workshop, you’ll learn about an innovative financing option from a representative of the Sonoma County Energy Independence Program (SCEIP). This program allows payment for a solar electric system and other energy upgrades via an assessment on your property taxes. SCEIP is a program of the County of Sonoma Energy and Sustainability Division and has made it possible for many of our Sonoma County neighbors to complete projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

In March, 2009, Solar Works was the first SCEIP-project contractor, and as of September 2017, SCEIP program has yielded these impressive results:
• 36,291 financing inquiries
• 2,423 applications funded
• $77.6 million funded
• 69,600 metric tons CO2 reduced
• 90% of jobs implemented by local contractors
• 0.23% delinquency rate

Join us at the Tuesday, February 13th workshop to find out your best option for going solar: Buy or Lease; How to Select a Solar Contractor, Payment and Financing Options.

At the workshop
Learn about the Solar Works Partnership Program:

Go solar with Solar Works and Daily Acts receives a sizeable donation at no extra cost to you

For more information, please contact:

Liz Platte-Bermeo
Programs Coordinator, Daily Acts
(707) 789-9664


Barbara Oldershaw
Business & Community Outreach Coordinator, Solar Works
(707) 829-8282
